Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Workouts!

We are 7 weeks out from the show and only 6 weeks until "Peak Week!" Joe and I have both gone down almost 2% in body fat in 1 week and we both hit our weight loss goals! This is a huge source of motivation for us! Here are my stats this week:

Date: 2/12                                          Date: 2/6
Weight: 111                                       Weight: 113
Body Fat%: 14.73                              Body Fat%: 16.3

It's about that time to switch-up our workouts again as our bodies have gotten used to the last set of workouts. We have been doing a 3-day split that Joe used for his last show; Chest/Back, Shoulders & Arms, Legs (3 sets of 8 reps).

We are going to start upping the reps now to 10-15 reps to increase the fat burn and to start bringing out muscle fibers. After meeting with our posing coaches yesterday, I learned that I really need to focus on my legs. Your legs can actually make or break your standing in a competition and although I have good "shape" to my legs I really need to bring out the definition. The definition will really start to come in the last few weeks because this is the last place I will lose fat (dangit). In the meantime, I need to do more reps and work on contracting/posing on my legs EVERYDAY! I need to make a mind/body connection and really FOCUS on contracting every single muscle fiber during each rep and every time we pose.

I've learned that bodybuilding (and weight lifting in general) takes so much more than just "lifting weights." It takes FOCUS, DEDICATION, and REPETITION.

My motivation level is high and I am determined  to get my legs to "pop."

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