Sunday, February 13, 2011


I am constantly helping others create and achieve their goals through my job as a personal trainer. Making goals are the only way to assess and measure your success. So of course, I have to create my own goals! Here they are:

Main Goal: Compete in bodybuilding competition April 2, 2011
Main Weight Goal: 103
Main Body Fat Goal: 8%
Main Personal Goal: more definition in legs and have fun at the show!

Weekly Weight Goals: Drop 1.8- 2 pounds per week
Weekly Body Fat Goals: Lose 1-2% body fat each week
Personal goals: stay on target with diet and practice posing everyday

Writing down these goals gives me something to constantly work towards and measure my success. And it KEEPS ME ACCOUNTABLE. If I don't reach my goals each week then I will have to work even harder the next week. This journey is hard enough as it is so I refuse to make it any harder!

I also like making other goals besides weight loss so I don't get caught up in the "number's game." Usually by achieving my personal goals I will end up achieving my weight loss goals. Not to mention, achieving ANY goal increases your self-esteem and motivation!

1 comment:

  1. I know you can do it, Britt! Keep your eye on the prize :o)
