According to, this is what figure competition is all about!
"Make no mistake about it, a figure competition IS a bodybuilding contest... Just not done to the same degree as your typical bodybuilding standard. In general figure judges look for a combination of:
1. Muscularity
2. Symmetry
3. Stage presence
4. Body shape
5. Muscle shape
6. Presentation: posing, poise, grace and confidence
Prejudging: Morning show
Quarter turns:
Figure competition revolves around a series of quarter turns done in the morning show (prejudging). These quarter turns show the judges all 4 sides of your physique: front, left side, right side, back. Some organizations allow you to do a slight twist while in the side poses so that the judges can get a better view of your physique.
Night Show: Figure Walk
The evening show is where you get to strut your stuff for the audience. The degree to which the evening show counts toward your overall score will depend on the organization, promoter etc. Therefore your night show performance can mean the difference between winning and losing.
The figure walk consists of walking across the stage and hitting a series of poses. The poses are usually variations of the prejudging poses. You want to add a little flair but not too much. Always execute your walk with good taste. You will stop 4 times during your walk to pose (twice in the middle, once at the far end, once near your entrance to the stage, before you exit). "
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