Well, I definitely had "one of those weeks." The type of week where I felt like I just couldn't keep up or get back on track. I struggled this week with just about everything. I struggled with drinking water, sticking to my diet, getting my cardio done and just daily tasks in general. I felt myself slipping away this week and I am sad to say that I started to give up a little.
My body is feeling "flat" yet bloated at the same time. "I'm tired, I'm sore, I don't feel good, and I'm sad." I must have said this string of words a million times this week. My energy is little to none and I feel like crap on our low carb days. My first instinct in this case is to eat something to get the energy back up, but this isn't an option and it kills me! I need to get my heart rate up higher when doing my evening cardio but I can't seem to get my legs to move. I need to be doing 2 cardio sessions a day but can't seem to get out of bed in the morning.
Thankfully, I have an amazing support system to pull me out of this hole I keep digging myself into. My husband gives me the motivation I need to "stay the course" as he says. Always assuring me that if I stick to the plan there is no way I can fail, even if my body doesn't feel like it should at this very moment. He keeps reminding me not to give up and that we are in this together!
I am also so thankful for my family and co-workers who are backing me up on this journey 100%. It's those "you can do it" phrases and hugs that mean the most to me. I just have to BELIEVE I can do it. BELIEVE I can get up in the morning and do cardio even when I'm tired and depleted. BELIEVE I can do those last 5 reps on leg extensions even when I'm shaking so bad I can barely move. BELIEVE I can stay true to the diet even when faced with everyday foods like peanut butter. And BELIEVE THAT I CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT I SET OUT TO DO!
Thanks to God, and my family/friends/co-workers, my motivation today is higher then it's been for weeks. I can and WILL come out of this slump. As my co-worker/female bodybuilder told me today, "just think about what your competition is doing." Is my competition eating out of a cereal box? NO. Is my competition still in bed when they should be doing cardio? NO. Then I need to step up my game!
I want to BE the competition. Therefore I need to dig deep, find my inner strength, and JUST DO IT!
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