The ultimate journey begins; the journey of pregnancy and parenthood! We will be welcoming a little girl into the world January 23, 2013! The photo on the left was taken at about 20 weeks. Keep reading to take a look into my pregnancy fitness journey so far...
Not gonna lie, weeks 8-12 were rough. Although I never actually vomited, I was definitely nauseas most of the time. The two things that really helped me were walks outside and saltine crackers. I was still able to do a lot of the same exercises I had been doing; jogging, weights, teaching fitness classes, and even boot camp! With the exception that I was moving a little slower and no longer doing jumping exercises.
The second trimester has been fabulous so far! I feel wonderful and definitely have the "pregnancy glow." Although I still get fatigued, it's not nearly as much as the first trimester and exercising most days of the week helps my energy levels. There are a few more exercise limitations now, besides having to modify exercises for my growing belly:) The doctor has prescribed that I keep my heart rate at or below 140, I'm not supposed to lay flat on my back, and shouldn't lift more than 25lbs. But this doesn't mean I can't exercise, I just change a few things!
Walking, elliptical, or indoor cycling has been my cardio of choice. I teach 2 weight training classes a week, one for upper and one for lower body, and try to spend a little more time stretching after exercise. My minimum goal is to exercise 3 days a week, but I feel so much better when I'm active most days of the week (5 seems to be the magic number). Light dumbbells and the stability ball are my go-to pieces of equipment!
I plan to keep teaching group fitness and personal training until my body says "no more!" As far as group fitness goes, I am hoping to make it to at least the 8th month, which is only 3 months away!
That just about sums up the last 5 months! I look forward to sharing my pregnancy fitness journey with you and hope that any other moms-to-be out there will find this helpful:) Happy exercising!