Saturday, April 9, 2011


Its been a week since our bodybuilding competition and i have to say, for a first timer, it was a success! We werent very impressed with the show itself as our $100 tans ended up being a bad batch, my awards werent presented to me until after the fact and the show didnt finish until 1am! However, I won!

Unfortunately, i was the only one in the female bodybuilding novice division. I was hoping i would have some competition, but all in all it was a good experience. The best part of the whole thing was getting to compete with my husband and brother.

So, what now??? I have to admit that it is tough transition from being a bodybuilder to being "normal." My body is still rejecting "normal" foods like dairy, sodium, and bread. Im feeling very swollen and uncomfortable. I can literally feel my stomach muscles stretching from the change of diet and it is actually painful and tender to the touch. I have gained back 10 lbs this past week just from trying to eat normal...okay, and some junk food too:)

I started working out again on Wednesday; mostly cardio and some weights. It is such a great feeling to workout and actually feel good afterwords. But there is still that burning question in the back of my mind that i have been asked by so many..."are you going to do another show?" ??? Its a question i have a hard time answering. I love having a goal to work towards and i love following a regimen and especially enjoy seeing the hard work pay off...but is it worth the fatigue, the hunger, and the isolation? It almost feels selfish to do another show. And yet...the desire to take my body even further still lingers. So, to answer that question, i am simply trying to find balance in my life at this time. I simply want to be healthy and feel healthy at this point, and spend time with my family and friends!

Besides these changes, ive had a few opportunities that i didnt think would come about from this show. Ive actually been asked by a few fitness photographers to do photo shoots with them. I respectfully declined (because my body is "soft" from the weight gain haha) but it was a fun thought.

I will keep using this blog for all my fitness adventures. I will of course let everyone know if i decide to do another show, but seeing as having babies is a priority in my future, i need to maintain a healthy body fat percentage:)

Stay tuned for my next adventure in fitness!
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Friday, April 1, 2011

1 day left!

We made it here safely yesterday and have a great room with a full kitchen! We took advantage of this and started cooking immediately. Yesterday's meals consisted of mostly chicken and sweet potatoes with a few rice cakes thrown in here and there.

Today we get to load up on carbohydrates. This means a drizzle of honey in the oatmeal and rice cakes with a little jelly every 2-3 hours. Although this doesn't sound like much, it feels like a ton and is extremely delicious! Today's schedule is as follows:

6:30 am Breakfast, start drinking water and shower
8:15 am First spray tan application
8:30 am Eat :) and rest
10:30 am Eat again :)
11:30 am Second tan application
12 pm Eat every few hours, finish 3/4 gallon of water and practice posing routine and mandatory poses. Sip on water throughout rest of the day until...
5 pm Weigh-In!
Keep eating until a few hours before bed time

Tomorrow will be a little crazier and includes...

5AM wake up to eat! sip water, and get ready for the show!
7AM arrive at venue and get final tan application
8AM competitors meeting
9AM pre-judging begins!! Although I'm not sure when I will be on stage yet...
Eat salmon and asparagus back stage every hour or 2; sip water
Pump up 20 minutes before on stage
Eat Snickers 5 minutes before on stage... I can't wait for this!
Rock it on stage then rest until the night-show at 6 pm!
After show???? EAAATTTT!